
Donuts or fava beans?

Donuts or fava beans?

And if Doughnuts are with what? With icing, powdered sugar, the traditional rose or another filling?  At Altru today sweet and joyful. We are celebrating Fat Thursday....

Birthday at Altru ....

Birthday at Altru ....

Today our Resident Zosia celebrated her 77th birthday. As always on such occasions, there were wishes, refreshments and singing “Happy Birthday” together.  We...

Mass at our House

Mass at our House

Mass with reception of the sacrament of anointing of the sick, confession, Holy Communion was a great cyclical event at Altru already. It proved to be a source of strength and...

Valentine's Day at Altru

Valentine's Day at Altru

Valentine's Day in Altru? YES ! This is a special moment for our residents, because they once experienced the feeling of falling in love. Each of them experienced this...

Walking together in our new garden ...

Walking together in our new garden ...

The sun shines in their eyes, the frost pinches their cheeks, and the joy of our residents is painted on their faces. Sometimes you don't need anything else - just fresh...

What is music for Seniors ?

What is music for Seniors ?

Music conveys emotions, stimulates memory, influences mood and stimulates creativity. We would like to thank for joint caroling our guests: the Polish Scouting Association...

The meeting entitled. “Understanding Disease” ...

The meeting entitled. “Understanding Disease” ...

Last week we hosted nursing students from the State Academy of Applied Sciences in Przemyśl, Poland, as part of our cooperation.The organized activities were individual...

Hearts for grandchildren prepared by our seniors

Hearts for grandchildren prepared by our seniors

Seniors of the ALTR Senior Home prepared hearts for their grandchildren. Longing for grandchildren is at the same time a memory of moments spent together.  Everyone...

How to take care of the skin ?

How to take care of the skin ?

How to take care of the skin to keep it in good condition for as long as possible ? The answer to this question is known to the residents of the Altru Senior House. It took...

Children's carol concert ...

Children's carol concert ...

A wonderful initiative! Children from the kindergarten “Little Nazareth” in Przemyśl were not only a joy, but also brought the Christmas spirit to our House. There...

We attended the play “State of Mind” ...

We attended the play “State of Mind” ...

We spent Friday evening at the Kazimierzowski Castle, watching a play performed by the Fredreum theater from Przemyśl. “State of Mind” is a comedy full of...

The first marriage in Altru ...

The first marriage in Altru ...

This is a beautiful story that proves that affection is a timeless condition from which you absolutely cannot defend yourself. When love is mature and full of understanding,...

World Senior Day

World Senior Day

In Altru, World Senior Citizens Day was full of surprises. This is a special holiday in which we express respect and gratitude to the elderly for their wisdom, experience and...

Talking about “men's issues” ...

Talking about “men's issues” ...

At Altru, there is time for “manly” conversations - over coffee, in a relaxed atmosphere. What do the men talk about? That's what we don't know.  Maybe...

Dogotherapy in Altru ...

Dogotherapy in Altru ...

On Saturday afternoon, our Home was visited by two beautiful dogs, Tofee and Bella. All our seniors were able to touch, stroke and feed the pets with dog treats. Bela showed...

November 11 at Altru .....

November 11 at Altru .....

Altru residents on November 11 also celebrated Poland's regaining of independence. Together we recalled historical events, read patriotic poems, sang patriotic and soldier...

Joint prayer ...

Joint prayer ...

At our Home, we know that for the elderly, the spiritual sphere is of special importance. It is very important to attend Mass, receive the sacraments, and have individual...

Preliminaries for the 1st Bowling Championship ...

Preliminaries for the 1st Bowling Championship ...

Preliminaries to the 1st Bowling Championship for Altru residents! It promises to be a great competition. The residents practice every day. You can feel the sporting spirit and...

Occupational therapy and joint singing ...

Occupational therapy and joint singing ...

Today once again our residents proved that work can go hand in hand with singing! As part of Altru occupational therapy, our residents combined their vocal talents with a...

New friendships over morning coffee ...

New friendships over morning coffee ...

Morning coffee in our home is more than a moment of relaxation - it is a time when our residents make new, warm friendships. Table conversations are filled with laughter,...

At Altru we capture every autumn ray of sunshine ...

At Altru we capture every autumn ray of sunshine ...

On October 3-4, 2024, we had the opportunity to participate in a training course on orthopedic supplies and ergonomics in long-term care facilities. During the event, modern...

Autumn reeds made by our residents

Autumn reeds made by our residents

During occupational therapy classes, our residents prepared beautiful autumn reeds. Each group created something unique, full of colors and individual ideas. In each reed you...

We grab every autumn ray of sunshine ...

We grab every autumn ray of sunshine ...

At Altru we capture every autumn ray of sunshine ...

Autumn is coming ...

Autumn is coming ...

Autumn is coming, and we are already feeling its climate! In our home, as part of therapeutic activities, we developed our manual and artistic skills, creating beautiful...

5cc693ef.jpgThe project entitled "Increasing the competitiveness of SOURCETECH Bohdan Drzymała through the development and marketing of an innovative service based on technology, improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable groups, especially the elderly" implemented under the program "Enterprise Development and Innovation" co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, 2014 -2021.

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