Donuts or fava beans?Today, our Senior Citizen's Home hosted students from the Medical-Social Center for Vocational and Continuing Education in Przemysl, who shared their experience with our...
Each of our residents at Altru Senior Citizens' Home is well aware of the importance of physical activity and independence. That's why we strive every day to support...
As part of the therapeutic activities, we focused on exercises to support the hand. All our residents were full of energy and commitment. We solved various rebuses and...
Today our charges took part in an extremely interesting word association game. We talked about what they associate the sun with. There was a lot of laughter, joy and warm...
At our Home, we are well aware of the importance of sunshine for the well-being of our seniors. Sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D3, which strengthens bones, improves...
The project entitled "Increasing the competitiveness of SOURCETECH Bohdan Drzymała through the development and marketing of an innovative service based on technology, improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable groups, especially the elderly" implemented under the program "Enterprise Development and Innovation" co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, 2014 -2021.